Weather today: Sunny and 82 degress- not a cloud in the sky.
River today: Up 6 inches (and counting) since yesterday evening.
I can now see the river, almost parallel to my front door of the house I am staying in, which means it's maybe less than 10ft away from my doorstep! The small bridge that we have to cross to get between the children's home and the town has water running over one part of it, which some people were trying to fix this morning. By fix I mean pile more sand and bricks and stone onto this rock and sand-made bridge. Yesterday, we moved the vehicles out (again) to a drier place and now only have a small pick-up truck. Dave took three of the volunteers, who were leaving today, into town to get the other car so they could drive to Zambia. Margaret and I were supposed to ride with them to town to take a couple kids to the doctor today, but we stayed behind since we weren't sure there would be a bridge to cross later this afternoon. So since we have one car getting fixed in town, one in Zambia until tomorrow and one that is here, with no bridge to cross, we are stuck! Once we get both of the cars back tomorrow, all of our trips to town from now on will be made by boat. We still don't have a firm evacuation plan, but luckily, we don't need it right now- maybe this weekend or early next week.
As I mentioned earlier, Ray, Travis and Lorna left to go back to the States today. It was sad to see them go, but at least Travis and Lorna will be back soon! We spent their last night here having a Silozi (native language here) lesson after dinner, which was fun, and I definitely learned a lot!
Well, that's all I have for now...need to see how much the river has gone up since I started this post ;)
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