Sunday, March 7, 2010

Flood Time

So I was all excited Friday night and early Saturday morning because we were going to be taking some of the children to see their families in the Western Caprivi for the day.  Well, it started raining Friday around 9pm and didn't stop until Saturday around 10am, so sadly, at 6am Saturday morning I found out that we would not be going on the trip.  After checking the dirt road that leads out of here, it was decided that we should stay and try to work on getting the vehicles to drier land, incase the flooding got worse.  There wasn't a lot of activity around here the rest of the day, as it rained on and off. 
Today is a much sunnier and brighter day- with no rain on the horizon!  We pray that it will stay like this and that the water continues to slow down so we won't have to move!  We should find out sometime this week if we will have to move and this time, it looks like we will be in a field with a bunch of tents!

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